My husband and i currently rent a room in a house with a couple of guys in their mid 20's. It's only temporary until i get work and we can afford our own place. They have no idea about cooking, cleaning, laundry....need i go on!! Hehe. So in lieu of some of our rent i do the housework which works out for everyone! But i seriously cannot wait to get a job!! Ugh!
Cleaning out the fridge on a regular, almost daily, basis is one of the fun jobs >.<.
One of the boys mum's left a big bowl of fresh strawberries from her garden...and as a surprise to me they didn't eat them, ok i nicked a couple, i mean who can resist? SO i thought this morning i would salvage the "un mouldy" ones, wash them off, cut them up, drizzle with vanilla and throw them into some cupcake batter. I bet they eat them now!!